The Construction of the Evolution is a project I started to work with young people and bring light to social, political, and educational issues. We are in the beginning stages of this journey, but there will be more extensive additions in the future. It is our full intention to empower young people to voice their opinions and help develop change in cities across the globe. We will also begin to work with governments to reform policy that adversely affects the interests of their residents.

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Thursday, September 25, 2008

No time for games Senator McCain.

Does John McCain have a great idea or does he want to play with the American people’s mind? Is this another one of his campaigns political ploys? I don’t know. But what I do know is that everyday thousands of Americans citizens are losing their homes. We are going through rough economic times and the current president seems to have been sleep at the switch. Yesterday for the first time in a long time he addressed the American people in a primetime address to respond to the economic crisis. He warned the congressional leaders that the economy could slip into a “financial panic”. He further went on to urge them to make a swift decision on the government’s new proposed legislation that would cost American tax payers $700 billion. Earlier in the day in an attempt to gain political points in my opinion, Senator John McCain called a press conference to announce that he will suspend his campaign until the legislation passes. He further went on the urge Senator Barrack Obama to join him as well as canceling the presidential debate that is scheduled to take place this Friday September 26. Obama himself seemed a little caught off guard with this announcement by McCain, and he responded by saying that "I think that it makes sense for us to present ourselves before the American people, to talk about the nature of the problems that we're having in our financial system, to talk about how it relates to our global standing in the world, what implications it has for our national security, how it relates to critical questions like the war in Iraq and Afghanistan." The political talking heads was quick to jump on McCain about making such a dramatic announcement 40 days until Election Day. They also attacked Obama saying that since he doesn’t to return to Washington DC to help the legislation pass. They called him inexperienced. He shot right back by saying it would make no sense for two presidential candidates to come to Washington DC and make a huge spectacle. He said “I can be at any place at any time”, leaving him the opportunity to return if it was necessary. No matter who's right it’s time for the American people to see leaders stand up and be leaders rather than make actions that would later be used as a political ploy.

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