The Construction of the Evolution is a project I started to work with young people and bring light to social, political, and educational issues. We are in the beginning stages of this journey, but there will be more extensive additions in the future. It is our full intention to empower young people to voice their opinions and help develop change in cities across the globe. We will also begin to work with governments to reform policy that adversely affects the interests of their residents.

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Friday, February 27, 2009

What a joke

Well, yesterday I was sitting here thinking when was the last time I blogged. So today I decided that I would come on and blog about something. I still don't know what it is A lot of things happened since my last time writing. Barack Obama was inaugurated and he has already passed major legislation. Of course with very few republicans help.

Ok I think I have a topic. The Republican Party was in control of the US government for most of the last eight years, but they seem to not realize that. The economic problems that the United States has encounter, to Republicans, is all the Dem's vault. In my opinion it’s everyone's vault. But for these dumb stubborn "leaders" in their party to call the economic problems a Democratic caused problem is absurd. I was thinking if citizens elect politicians to represent them then it is the politician’s job to represent his constituency not his party then his constituency.

The "old boy’s republican party" is stuck on a level of stupidity that to the average person in America who doesn’t follow politics don't see. HEY republicans not voting to help Americans would certainly get you reelected in 2010 if the economy doesn’t turn around. But if it does turn around before the 2010 elections I pray you have a backup plan because the not voting to help you message won’t help you get reelected at all. So my advice to you the citizens would be to call and voice your opinion to your representative locally and federally. My advice to the loser's on Capitol Hill listen to the voices of the people that elect you not the special interest or political "leaders".

I know I babbled a lot….I’m just getting back in the game. More to come.

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