The Construction of the Evolution is a project I started to work with young people and bring light to social, political, and educational issues. We are in the beginning stages of this journey, but there will be more extensive additions in the future. It is our full intention to empower young people to voice their opinions and help develop change in cities across the globe. We will also begin to work with governments to reform policy that adversely affects the interests of their residents.

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Monday, March 22, 2010

Obama Health Care Reform

For months now we have heard several stories about the terrible state of our health care system. And for even longer we heard claims of death panels and a government takeover of health care. Although these claims were outlandish they still gained ground in the republican electorate. Of course, many republican elected officials were quick to push these claims because of their constant fear based political ideology.

Democrats on the other hand have had overwhelming majorities in the House and Senate for almost a year. Due to a lack of leadership by the President no major piece of legislation was passed and the poll numbers began to show the displeasure of the American people.

The good news is the ‘Obamacare’ as many people like to call was passed by the House on Sunday and is set to be passed tomorrow in the Senate. Although the bill is far from being a comprehensive overhaul of the health care system, it is a step in the right direction. Americans can’t continue to go bankrupt because of 39% increases in their health care cost.

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