The Construction of the Evolution is a project I started to work with young people and bring light to social, political, and educational issues. We are in the beginning stages of this journey, but there will be more extensive additions in the future. It is our full intention to empower young people to voice their opinions and help develop change in cities across the globe. We will also begin to work with governments to reform policy that adversely affects the interests of their residents.

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Monday, November 26, 2007

DC AIDS epidemic and the hopeless future

As the rate of the HIV/AIDS virus continue to grow to almost implausible heights; teens are still have sex as if it’s a competition. Many high school age kids are now fully sexually active before even taking a step into any high school. By way of the immeasurable use of technology many of today’s youth are learning and experiencing sexually activity before learning about the true lessons of life. Along with the growth of this virus and other STD’s the teen population continue to have unprotected sex. In Washington DC and other urban city’s the future seems to be in grave condition due to the staggering data collected. If one was to poll the population of high school age kids in DC or other cities, they would be in shock with the results collected. Ask any young person why they are having sex and the answers will be outlandish. The question that must be asked is does the parents hold responsibility or does the media?

In my eyes the results fall directly in the lap of the parents. It is there responsibility to ensure that their children are safe and taught right from wrong. The parents are the leaders in which children learn from. Although the technology age has become outrageous in recent years it is ideal for parents to stay ahead of the curb.

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